

If you need specific fit, finishes and function to your new home, then building custom is the way to go. Today, I’m following Mike Palmer, owner of Mike Palmer Homes, Inc. of Denver, NC, to see how he incorporated his client’s needs into Mike’s Shannon Plan. The Shannon Plan in this video is around 3000 square feet. Prices for this plan, not including land, range between $500,000 to $600,000. Near the end of the video, I asked Mike some questions about building times and lumber prices. It’s jaw-dropping to hear his responses.

Mike specializes in all phases of new home construction and remodeling and strives to include the features you want without the high markups. I’d be happy to work with you as your buyer’s representative and work with a builder like Mike Palmer Homes to help you build your dream home. There’s no fee to have me work on your behalf. Mike welcomes buyer’s agents like me and pays my fee. He realizes the value of the buyer-client-builder relationship.

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