3 Things To Know About Buying New Construction
Imagine your first weekend in a new home; a home without nasty smells leftover from the previous occupants, no smudged baseboards, and a sparkling clean refrigerator that has never held leftovers. The only thing you need to do this weekend is relax and enjoy your new home. Buying new construction affords you this opportunity.
Sure, there are other reasons to purchase a newly constructed home rather than an existing one but let’s take a walk through the purchase process so you know what to expect from the minute you step into the new home community’s office. Here are 3 things to know about buying new construction homes.
The Real Estate Agent
New construction homes in a community are typically laid out so that visitors are herded into the builder’s model homes. The person that greets you here is usually the builder’s real estate agent. Read that again: the builder’s real estate agent. Although she/he may be a perfectly fine person, full of wit and charm, they are not your real estate agent.
The best way to avoid the temptation and any pressure the agent may try to place on you is to mention that you’re working with a real estate agent. Ethically, the builder’s agent must back off trying to recruit you as a client. Do not sign in as a visitor. Tell them you will return with your agent next time and at that time will fill in the guest card. Side note: if you are working with an agent then never go into a model home for the first time without your agent. This gives you the best protection. And that goes for making a phone call to a model home community. Don’t do without your agent’s knowledge. Let your agent make the calls. At the very least tell the person in the model home you are working with an agent and give his or hers name, phone number and brokerage.
Did You Know This?
The builder pays the real estate commissions so there is no reason not to have your own representation during the purchase process and many reasons to have it. And, it will not cost you more to have your own agent! Real estate agents have what are known as “fiduciary” duties to their clients. The duties for the buyer’s agent are different from those of the seller and believe me, they do conflict.
Think of it as being represented in divorce proceedings by the same attorney that is representing your spouse. Not a good idea.
Side note: before you sign any contract on the dotted line, you must have a written buyer’s agency agreement in North Carolina. That goes for making an offer on a resale or brand new home. That assures cooperation (payment) to your agent from the seller.
The Lender
The builder may also have a preferred lender and you will no doubt be urged to use it to finance the purchase. Unlike the real estate agent, there is nothing inherently wrong with using the builder’s lender, as long as you’re being offered a good deal.
The advantages to using the builder’s lender include the fact that it may have appraisers who are familiar with the new community. They may also toss some incentives your way, like partial closing costs, blinds and appliances.
Never feel that you have to use the builder’s in-house lender; you are within your rights to use any lender you prefer.
The Builder
As in most professions, there are good builders and there are those that take short cuts or do a lousy job.
If you aren’t familiar with the builder, do some checking on his or her background. Start with the Better Business Bureau in your area and then check public records for lawsuits against the builder.
There is a lot more to buying a newly-constructed home than an existing home. Carefully choosing your real estate agent and then investigating the builder will go a long way to helping the transaction run smoothly.
Bottom Line
Thinking of buying a new construction home? I’m a certified new home co-broker and can walk you through the new construction home purchase. Let’s meet or have a consultation call.